Pakatan Harapan Sabah

Pakatan Harapan Sabah

Khamis, 15 September 2016

Nazri Should Learn Some Respect

Nazri Should Learn Some Respect

13 September 2016

Umno supreme council member Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz said he is closer to DAP than MCA because it is the former that can garner Chinese support.

He said this in response to MCA central committee member Ti Lian Ker, who complained that Nazri appears closer to DAP despite winning in the general election under BN, which was helped by all component parties including MCA.

“I am good with (DAP secretary-general) Lim Guan Eng because I respect democracy as the Chinese community chose Lim Guan Eng and DAP.

“So I have to respect democracy and respect them (DAP). Why would I want to respect Ti when the people reject him.

“I am confident even if he were to contest in the general election, the rakyat will also reject him because the Chinese people truly hate people like him,” Nazri told Malaysiakini.

Source:Nazri Should Learn Some Respect, Malaysiakini


It is fascinating to watch BN’s remaining leading lights condemn themselves by their own tongues and none are better at it than this Nazri.

He has made it clear that he has no ‘respect’ for anybody not above him in life, as he sees it. That includes voters, working people and those who choose to disagree with him in politics.

Instead, he clearly respects the master-theif Najib, whom he and fellow UMNO Supreme Council members ought by duty now to have long since removed from office.

Everyone who seeks to represent their people should be accorded reasonable respect, if they act with honesty and good faith.  Likewise taxi drivers and anyone else earning a decent and honourable living for their families.

It is arrogance, greed, lies and theft that by right loses a man respect and this Nazri fellow has all of the above in spades, by his own admission.

No one cares whom he respects, because nobody has respect for him.

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